About Us

VCAM-NH Vietnam Advance Bond Fund (VCAM-NH VABF) is an open-ended bond fund professionally managed by Viet Capital Asset Management, with the objective of providing better return than the local saving rate.

Date founded
September 22, 2022

Fund type
Open-ended fund

Fund license

Supervisory Bank
Vietcombank (VCB)

Auditing company

Minimum subscription amount
VND 1,000,000

Management Fee

Subscription Fee

Trading date

Working day

Investment Strategy

Asset selection: Thorough analysis of macroeconomy, industries and business performance of target companies will be performed. Bonds are screened, considering yield and collateral conditions to satisfy the requirement of safe and profitable investment.

Asset allocation: VCAM-NH VABF focuses on quality issuers (VN exchange listed) and quality bonds (rated investment grade by a local rating agency preferred). The fund also invests in valuable papers, and fixed income instruments from banks and financial institutions.